1613: skittles & beer

spring is here

1613: skittles & beer


  • Finally not feeling ill 🎉 my last illness also seemed to purge me of all my negativity, I've been pretty chill since then!
  • We did a bit of spring cleaning in the week—at the first sign of sun, CM wanted to change over to her summer wardrobe, and that meant moving my bed to get into the cupboard, which I took as an opportunity to completely reorganise our storage—so now we have seasonal clothes and different weights of duvet vacuum-packed under our beds, and we should only need to get into that cupboard for Christmas really. Also got rid of lots of clothes, comics, tat etc.
  • I also rearranged my room very slightly again into what I hope will be its final form for now. No longer is the chair blocking the door to the balcony (though the keyboard is very slightly blocking the door to the wardrobe)!
  • Have I done anything that doesn't involve minor adjustments to the way that things in my house are organised?
  • Oh yeah, I went to see my parents for a (very) belated Mother's Day visit. We went to Tyneham, and it hailed on us and Mum kept telling me how lovely it is to swim at early on Saturday mornings in the summer. There was also, in addition to the usual flotsam, what I think the Sunday Sport would call a "sex arse" washed up on the beach. Great fun.



  • More Gilmore Girls. Don't think I have a new villain this week.
  • Went to see Dune 2 (worm worm worm worm). Good worms, not enough worms.
  • Restarted Rosewater.
  • Have been reading some business books. Possibly useful but I'm not sure they're verey interesting to talk about!

Keep it real! Over and out.