Weeknotes 1529

  • Back from holiday this week and everything is starting to feel a bit more under control. I mentioned the other week that I'm wrapping up some work engagements to give myself a bit more time and space, and everyone has been very nice and understanding about that. By the end of this month, I'll have finished up stuff for those folk and have things trimmed down to where I want them. I'm thinking I might try to go back to a 4-day week, which I had for a while before.
  • Outside of work this week has mostly consisted of boring life admin and resting. Been doing some reading, too :)
  • Pride on Saturday for the first time in a couple of years—it was nice to see folk out for the parade, particularly the ones we knew, but it was equally nice to have a short walk home and rest afterwards.
  • Going to be trying the Slime Mold Time Mold potato diet next week. Wish me luck!