Weeknotes 1600

  • Didn't realise that we were going to hit a round number today! Going to let the structure slip a bit I think.
  • CM and I both finished work on the 15th, we had all our friends over for Friendmas on the 16th, she went to a gig on the 17th while I stayed to play at Carols by Candlelight and then we wrapped everything up on Monday before heading to Winchester on Tuesday where we went to a carol service in the cathedral, wandered around the Christmas market (a bit loud imo) and generally spent time resting. Thursday we popped to see some friends nearby, and then went on home to our respective families in Dorset, and I've spent the last few days doing bits and bobs or wandering around beaches with Mum and Dad.
  • We've been fretting a bit about a family health situation for a few weeks, but as of Friday we discovered it's not actually anything to worry about. A few years ago I had a really dreadful December, but everything sorted itself out on the solstice. This year it waited an extra day.
  • Actually, December itself has been OK; had the UTAW AGM which thankfully all went OK; test-drove a car that I think we're going to get; a couple of birthday parties—just very busy in the Christmas run-up, especially since we left Brighton so early. Sad not to make the Burning of the Clocks, first time in years I've missed it and a union comrade was down from London for it so I missed him too :(
  • Christmas is the only time of year you can be near-certain that no-one is emailing you, though, so it's the most restful time for me.
  • I'm already halfway through my holiday, which feels weird. I've been trying not to focus on Doing Too Much, but I've done a few bits—for a while I've been running a setup where I split stuff across Notion and Obsidian but that's been feeling redundant for a while so I've just moved it all to Obsidian. Also did a bunch of archiving of old paper diary entries, adding them to Day One, planned out holidays for next year, lots of reading.
  • Also brought my Steam Deck. Good Steam Deck Games: Cultic, Boltgun, Season (though it chugs a bit) and I'm definitely going to try and get back on Baldur's Gate 3. Also been playing Case of the Golden Idol on my laptop; that one didn't vibe as much for me on Deck.
  • I'll do yearnotes next time. Right now I'm going to eat some more lebkuchen. Merry Christmas everyone!