Weeknotes 1581


  • We interviewed the leader of the Council for Seagull, but while we were on holiday, so that's gonna be published soon hopefully.
  • Had a BBQ at pretty much the exact point the summer proved to be fake and the weather turned to crap, so a lot of people ended up crammed into our living room 😅 fun but a little stressful.
  • Rediscovered an old orzo recipe from The Green Roasting Tin and made it about five times in the last few weeks.
  • I didn't eat any, though—I'm back on the potato diet so I can fit into my suit for a friend's wedding we've got coming up.
  • Had my first proper (non-medical) time off this year for our anniversary—it was good, though it took me a while to "gear down" out of work mode. I'm going to try and get back to having regular time off so I'm not just spending most of my holidays adjusting to not working just in time to go back.
  • We went to see a performance of The Importance of Being Earnest at the Open Air Theatre; a little bit of overacting in some parts but in general really good fun! I've never seen it before and once I'd keyed into it (it always takes me a while with plays, for some reason) I really enjoyed it.
  • Planning big things for Seagull, very exciting!
  • For our actual anniversary we went for dinner at Bonsai Plant Kitchen which was all absolutely delicious, and I can't believe I left off my list of Brighton food recommendations—but I've now rectified that.
  • We went to see CM's friend's baby! The baby was incredibly sweet, and the parents seemed incredibly tired. I don't think a huge number of my closer friends are thinking of having kids, which makes me a bit sad. We're a few years away ourselves, but I'm really looking forward to it.
  • A lot of it seems to be getting transacted on social media so I'm missing much of the buzz, but I've been really enjoying all the LK-99 stuff (a good little tracker post here). Likely it ends up being a bust but, like Matt Webb, I just really like the idea of there being this glitch in the universe which would lead to something that would just make loads of stuff much better.
  • I've been Arc as my primary browser for at least six months(?) I can't remember exactly, but they've finally released v1 and now everyone can download it. It just works the way I want a browser to and has loads of nice touches; I would strongly recommend it.
  • Memhaz has been off for nearly two months because of busyness and illness and suchlike, but we did an episode the other day and it was really good!
  • CM's off visiting some friends in Ireland, and it's decided to rain all Pride weekend, so I've been taking the opportnity to clear some things that got stuck off my to-do list. Finally finished that damn masculinity book!


  • Finally finished Revenant Gun and started Hexarchate Stories. Really want to save my thoughts on these for something a bit longer, though goodness knows when I'll actually write it.
  • Finally, finally, finally finished A History Of Masculinity. Notes forthcoming.


  • Rewatching Andor with a pal, it's still excellent.
  • After all the chat about the Venture Bros film I've started trying to watch that as I discovered it's on the Channel 4 streaming platform. Not quite "got into" it yet but it's fun enough.


  • Evgeny Morozov has decided to pander to me by doing a 9-part podcast series about Cybersyn called The Santiago Boys, and it's extremely good.


  • Citizen Sleeper DLC is presenting me with some Moral Conundrums, oh no

keep it real gang! over and out