Weeknotes 1571


  • It's been a busy couple of weeks!
  • Last night was the first 'no-night' night—the sun didn't go more than 18° below the horizon line, and won't again until for another month and a half or so, in mid-July. The current weather—sunny but not too hot—is my favourite summer weather, too.
  • We've had a lot of Fringe shows and Festival bits, all of which can be read about on the exciting new-look Brighton Seagull!We had our relaunch party on Friday at the lovely PROJECTS The Lanes, which felt very appropriate given how important MISSION was to our development. It went off really well, loads of people came, there were some logistical hiccups but once we'd got around those it all went splendidly. It took me until today to recover.
  • Work stuff has been relatively more chill thankfully, and I feel pretty much fully on top of what I've got on for the first time in ages.
  • I've been three birthday parties (though one of them was held off since February), all of them joyous affairs, all of them requiring cake, and I made my own apple puree out of some unwanted apples we had kicking around in the fridge, which came out so nicely.
  • I went along to the Annual Council meeting to get a feel for what the haps are with the council; a lot of pomp and funny hats but good to get a feel for the room. Someone told me this is the nicest all the different parties will be to each other the whole time.
  • My new glasses arrived!
  • Trying to



  • Finished Ninefox Gambit, really enjoyed that! Notes coming soon. Nearly done with the sequel, Raven Strategem.
  • I've left my RSS feeds to lie fallow for a while to build up a bit of a back archive which will hopefully allow me to see what should be pruned. Looking forward to it.

keep it real folks, over and out.