Weeknotes 1556

  • We've had our balcony re-decked! It no longer looks like it does in the picture up top, but I don't actually have any pictures of it looking like it does now so you'll have to take my word for it. The guys who were doing it also cleaned up and repainted the walls as well, which was incredibly nice of them. It is now so much lighter out there! Very much looking forward to spending more time out there during the summer.
  • I went to dinner with my old school friend Luke who I've not seen for nearly ten years! He lived in Australia for a bit but he's been in Brighton for a little while and it was really lovely to catch up and hear how he's been getting on. It's always interesting when you meet folk you've not seen in years: many individual things about them may be different—often profoundly—but some ineffable aspects of self remain. He's still great!
  • I had a great conversation with my friend Sam about doing some work with her company, I've made a start and I'm really excited about it.
  • We had a bit of a scare about the Englebright family dog Lola, which I wrote about here.
  • I had a chat with Cecile Marion, who invites people who are considering sabbaticals of some kind (as I am) to talk to her (someone who has been on one) about their hopes, fears, etc. She was lovely and it was enlightening, amusing and, I think, very useful—if you're considering a sabbatical, give it a look!
  • After (almost exactly) two months off, Memhaz is back, with which I thought was a real banger episode.
  • Shouts to Tristram and Jacob for being really a+ fun pub company when I wasn't feeling 100%.
  • CM got me some cool fidget rings (like this).
  • Went to Sussex Uni postgraduate open day, which was very... oddly organised, but I came away more positive on the masters I'm considering doing part-time.
  • I discovered that Jon Rogers, local Labour Party luminary, passed away last Sunday. He was secretary of the Lambeth branch of UNISON for 30 (!) years, and they have an obituary for him here. He was also chair of Brighton Pavilion CLP, in which role I found him a man of tireless effort, who always showed up, kept the peace and cracked a joke no matter how tense the meeting. He'll be sorely missed; much love to his family.