Weeknotes 1506

  • Went to the Irish folk night at the Fiddler's Elbow again, which had a star turn from one of the older gents who did some singing. The pub's pie and mash is also excellent.
  • We had the first event of Transform Brighton & Hove's summer programme; a debate about socialists staying in the Labour party which was chaired (very well) by CM; it was fun, and the pub afterwards was lovely—and they also had an Irish folk night, organised by our friend's mum.
  • CM's mum came to visit over the weekend, and we made her truffled almond alfredo for dinner on Friday, which I would recommend very strongly. Much like my favourite pumpkin risotto, it has a real richness of flavour (furnished chiefly by the truffle oil) which makes it feel... fancy? I'm not sure: either way, it's great.
  • Finished watching The Book Of Boba Fett, a very... odd show. I'm not sure how much I have to say about it, except that I think the replacement ship one of the main characters secured seems desperately impractical given their stated profession. Like driving a sports car if you've got three kids: you probably just want the people carrier. Also I need to rewatch Justified.
  • The Seagull continues to do well—we have very nearly 10x the number of subscribers we had a month ago, which is very exciting, and we're going to start publishing longer pieces very soon too.
  • We went along to the demonstration at The Level mentioned in this week's edition; I had to leave a bit early because I wasn't feeling great, but it was good to see so many people showing out.