Weeknotes 1491

  • Hi gang. It's been a good week, hope it has for you also.
  • Had some friends over to watch some wrestling; AEW: Full Gear. The Punk/Kingston and Bryan/Miro matches were particular standouts. For me, watching wrestling is a primarily social experience so I'd fallen off a bit during lockdown not being able to watch PPVs in person, nor having live shows to go to. I've been trying to keep up with AEW since Punk returned, and it's been good to get back into it.
  • We had a meeting for Seagull, the community news project we're starting. It was a good intial meeting, we had a bunch of blind spots filled in, we should, hopefully, be able to get that going fully in the new year.
  • I've laboured this enough already, but: new Memhaz! It's good to be back.
  • Went to an event organised by Lewes Labour called What's The Big Idea, chiefly because John, the secretary of my union, was talking on a panel. Unfortunately the venue acoustics didn't play very well with CM's hearing aids and we ended up bouncing pretty quickly after that, but what we did see was good, and we had a lovely walk around Lewes.
  • The Wolfox/Food For Friends empire continues to expand: a few weeks back we went to Kusaki near Preston Park, and this week to Botanique in Hove. Like most of their newer restaurants it's fully vegan, and we fully took advantage, eschewing the larger dishes for a lot of small plates. I would recommend the new potatoes and the lion's mane scallops.