RIP Snapprint

Every few months for the last couple of years I've tried to find a website I used on a few occasions to print t-shirts. I really liked it—it was, unlike a lot of custom printing sites, a very simple, streamlined experience. It only printed text, and gave you a range of pre-defined styles to choose from so you couldn't go too far off the rails with the design, and you didn't have to worry about aligning everything via some awful Flash interface or what-have-you. I've thought a few times since that I would like to use it again—the only problem is I could never remember the name of the damn thing. Searches back through my emails proved fruitless, but today I finally had the bright idea to check the Simplenote version history on a note I made, and lo and behold I found it: it was called Snapprint (it turns out I shouldn't have included "confirmation" along with order, and should've searched "unisex crew" rather than "t-shirt".) However, visiting now yields a domain holding page and according to the Internet Archive it's not been around for a few years. I don't know what happened to it but RIP Snapprint; you did one thing and you did it well, which should've been enough, but unfortunately wasn't.