1635: go jets

Still fiddling around with this format, to the extent that it's been taking me a bit longer to get these done. One of the unquestionable benefits of a defined format for something is that it lets you put doing whatever it is into a less intimidating mental box. It turns it into something you know how to do already, but at the cost (for me, at least, someone who likes formats and a fairly rigourous adherence thereto) of flexibility and a certain kind of variety. I was talking to Josef about this a while ago: a lot of early episodes of Memhaz were more... experimental isn't exactly right, but we did more Bits (and frankly, had more energy to). It's also easier to do this kind of thing when you're doing something new and you have no past thing to compare it to.


Going to try and make this a bit more freeform. I'm mostly feeling good but some things in my routine are feeling a bit stale. I'm getting bored of jogging while jogging—not just tired or achey, I just get bored of running if it goes on too long. I seem to recall back in the day I had quite a good running playlist, I may need to revisit this. On the other hand, my BJJ dojo is starting a nogi beginners class on Saturday mornings which is a good time for me and a good excuse to give it a go!

My morning plank experiment is enough of a success that I'm happy to move it over to habits. My next experiment will be a tough one: no podcasts! I want to write a bit more about this, and obviously I'm still making podcasts but I want to try and see what happens if I don't listen to them for a bit.


  • I agreed to do a talk in September for my friends at TBH, I thought "what's the kind of thing I could do that they'd like" and obviously it's about Cybersyn. Tickets here, should be fun!
  • In the process of attempting some very basic manoeuvre in BJJ I managed to pull first one, then the other of my arse muscles. I told CM this very seriously and she found it hilarious.
  • A big lie-in on Saturday morning, which I found frustrating because I wanted to get on with things, but as ever when I have unplanned Big Lie-Ins, I must have really needed it. There was also some very nice Big Rain which I got to lie in bed and listen to.
  • We had the last official baseball game of the season—the Jets taking two games in very exciting fashion, and the team got us down onto the field at the end for a photo (before some of us had to dash off for D&D).



  • I wrote about cranks twice more.
  • I wrote about dads. I really liked this one!



  • My sleep's been a bit skewy so I've not been reading as much as normal :(
  • Gilmore Girls S4 is going downhill, Richard is being needlessly evil for no reason.
  • Some of the teams on the latest series of Only Connect are real duds I'll tell you.
  • We made a mac and cheese that was nice but not very saucy. Is pot-made mac and cheese saucier than oven-baked? I feel like ours is never saucy enough but we always make it in the oven. One to investigate.

Pinboard Highlights:

More nonsense of this nature can be found on my Pinboard.

Keep it real! Over and out.